R&D Center

Ceragem R&D Center was established in 2001to enhance the technology of the thermal massager. Since then, Ceragem R&D Center has been focusing on the research and development of home medical devices such as an automatic thermal massager based on the ergonomic design. People’s interest in the way of “How to live long and healthy” is being highly increased as much as they enjoy the benefit of the material wealth. The R&D Center is concentrating its energy on the research and development for people to practice their healthcare at home and make it a part of the life.

CERGEM purses the hope of
“Improvement of Happiness through Health.”

Ceragem’s Competitiveness is Technology Development.

Ceragem has concentrated on the research and development to attain a unique technology for a competitive advantage and created a new market. Ceragem, as a leading company in the thermal massager industry in Korea, has been recognized for new technology and the world best product domestically and internationally. Especially, Ceragem R&D Center has been taking a core role in creating a new market with a competitive advantage through the continuous technology innovation since its establishment on July 19, 2000.

Ceragem R&D Center has carried out the technology development to grow as a general medical equipment venture company. It started from a venture company when appointed by the Small and Medium Business Administration (April 25, 2000) before the establishment of the R&D center. Later the development laboratory was certified as a company affiliated research center on September 25, 2001. The name was changed back to Ceragem R&D Center on May 12, 2005. Ceragem R&D Center was located in Gangnam-gu, Nonhyun-dong, Seoul when established and relocated to Cheonan-si where the headquarter and the factory are located.

The new relocation allowed an instant solution of the product problem by connecting to a production line and an advantage for the development of new product. Currently, the R&D center was expanded and relocated to Jeongchon-ri, Seongeo-eup, Cheonan-si near the headquarter in March 2009. Ceragem has been concentrating on increasing the investment to R&D by allocating 2 billion won (1.8 million U.S. dollars) every year to attain competitive advantage. In addition, Ceragem is expanding the scale of the R&D center by recruiting outstanding researchers for new product development. Ceragem has been performing a diverse technical corporation such as a technology exchange and the collaboration of research projects with uni

Technical Corporation Institute

Institute of Natural Therapy of Jeonju University

The Institute of Natural Therapy of Jeonju University is making an effort to open a well-being health age considering a treatment of diseases and the promotion of health.The institute focuses on the prevention of diseases caused by the stress through stress management and stress adaptation. Also, it tries to provide an alternative medicine treatment by using a human’s natural healing power as a complementary therapy overcoming the limitation of the conventional western medicine.


송한림 상무
(前 LG전자 상품전략실, R&D기획)

세라젬은 끊임없는 연구개발을 통해 FDA(미국 식품의약국), FCC(미국 연방통신위원회), CE(유럽 연합 통합규격 인증), TUV-GS (독일연방품질 보증), UL(미국 보험협회 규격인증) 등 전 세계의 전문 평가기관 이 검증하는 각종 품질 및 안전규격 인증을 획득함으로써 우수한 기술력을 공식 적으로 인정받았습니다.

고객이 안심하고 건강한 생활에 집중하길 바라는 R&D의 염원이 국내는 물론, 해외에서까지 인정받게된 큰 원동력이었습니다. 이 염원을 그대로 간직한채, 앞으로도 개발 될 다양한 신기술과 이로부터 펼쳐지는 새로운 건강문화로 고객님의 건강한 생활에 한발더 다가가겠습니다.


시장의 트렌드와 고객의 니즈를 동시에 만족시키는 신제품을 기획, 제작하며, 실용적이고 심미적으로 우수한 디자인을 개발합니다. '건강'을 모토로 다양한 제품을 기획, 개발하는 상품기획팀은 기존 제품의 보완 발전을 통해 업계 최고의 위상을 제고하고 있으며, 소비자에게 더 많은 제품 선택의 폭을 넓혀주기 위해 새로운 제품 개발에도 총력을 기울이고 있습니다. 이는 세라젬의 세계시장 경쟁력을 높이는 동시에 고객들의 큰 호응으로 이어지고 있습니다.

주요업무 : 상품 기획, 디자인, 신제품 개발


연구기획팀과 연구개발팀으로 나뉜 기술연구소는 사람의 상상을 실현시키는 기술을 펼칩니다. 세라젬 기술연구소는 10년 이상의 노하우를 바탕으로 국내외에서 뛰어난 기술력을 인정받고 있으며, 이를 이어나가기 위해 매년 탄탄한 연구비 투자지원으로 기술경쟁력 확보에 매진하고 있습니다.

- 연구기획 : 연구기획, 제품 인증 및 승인원
- 연구개발 : 회로설계, 기구설계, S/W개발


건강과 관련된 품질은 매우 우수해야만 합니다. 설립 당시부터 품질 안정화 정책을 추진해 외부기관의 인정을 받은 세라젬은 품질시스템 구축, 제안제도 활성화 등 품질혁신 노력으로 시장불량 Zero화를 추구하고 있습니다.
품질혁신팀은 고 객의 건강을 위해 최고의 품질을 완성시키며 제품개발 전과정에 걸쳐 다양한 검사를 철저하게 실시하고 있습니다.

주요업무 : 품질경영, 수입/출하검사, 신뢰성실험, 인증관리

Ceragem R&D Center obtained UL certification.

UL korea
(Underwriters Laboratories)

Ceragem R&D Center was certified as UL WTDP(Witness Test Data Program) and CB-TMP (Testing on Manufacturers Premises) laboratory by UL Korea (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.) for the first time in the thermal massager industry in Korea in 2009. Ceragem R&D Center is qualified to obtain the certifications of UL and CB/CE for the medicinal equipment (UL/IEC/EN60601-1) developed and manufactured in Ceragem based on the data performed in the internal laboratory by using the testing equipment with the attendance of the observer.

Ceragem R&D Center passed the strict screening of UL Korea on the each item such as facility, manpower and manual in obtaining the qualification. Passing the UL Korea’s evaluation means that UL Korea officially certified the facilities and the testing equipment of Ceragem R&D Center and the researcher as the same level of the UL Lab.This outcome is the result of that Ceragem has been putting a continuous investment and interest in the R&D field.

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